Monday, October 31, 2016

Mid process blog

My attempt at shading.

 Small leaves to give detail.

I've used observation a lot. I've looked at a lot of things involving nature, especially tress and leaves. I'm surprised how easy it is to get different kind of shades with the scratch paper. I hope to get a lot of detail especially with lots of realistic looking leaves. I want to exaggerate small things and try to capture the beauty of colors even though my project will be in black and white. For my references I have random pictures of things like leaves or wood and I use my own ideas. I've learned a lot about having the patients to scratchevery thing in and not mess up too bad. One of the harder things about this is that you can't just erase your mistakes so you have to be really careful. By the end of this I hope to be a lot better at sketching and capturing details.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Getting light and dark areas to pop out.

Getting the smaller details.

(not related to inspiration, just gettign a feel for the tools)

I want to get the smaller details.

For my project I will be using black and white scratch paper in the biggest size possible (not sure exactly how big). I plan to use hatching and try to give every area texture. I want to draw smaller sketches of nature then bring them back and put the pieces together while adding my own touch. I especially want to catch the essence of fall and bring it to life without colors.

My goal for this project is to really get a feel for drawing landscapes. For me it is challenging and this is a great opportunity to get better. Scratch paper isn't the easiest materiel and I believe that this could help to improve my sketching skills with simpler things like pen or pencil. With the paper it will also be harder to cover up mistakes and it could help me to disguise mess ups and make them beautiful.

Cellphone compositions



2/3 subject


Foreground, middle ground, background