The frame.
The frame.
swampy area.
full image of progress so far.
unfinished sky.
bottom half with the water and sand.
For this project I decided to use watercolor to make a window with a background of water and sand. At first I was aiming for it to look like the ocean but I developed it into more of a lake. I feel that the way the frame came out it should have a more rustic look to it. If I had done maybe a white frame it would have felt more like an ocean scene. I'm not disappointed that it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted becuase I enjoy the feeling I get from it. The feeling that I wanted to express with this price was something along the lines of longing or wanting something more. I believe that I captured that fairly well. To get this feeling I hoped to make the water feel distant yet alluring.
One thing that was very important to be able to do was to make it look like the landscape was behind glass. I was not able to do it becuase I was too scared to possibly mess up the water and sand. I may possibly go back and use acrylic paint to give a glare. I also wanted to make the window look as real as possible and I feel that I tried as hard as I could to do that. I'm very proud of the frame having a somewhat wood-like "texture". I spent that longest on that part becuase it was very important to make it look clean and aged. The frame sets the overall feeling for the whole piece. For the sand I made the beige darker in some spots and lighter in others. I also used the salt technique to make it look grainy while leaving a few specks to give it some sparkle. To make the water I also used darker and lighter areas to make it appear wavy and unsettled. One interesting thing that developed was the direction it would be presented. Originally I had the after at the top but I just didn't feel like it looked right. I turned it upside down and it looked way more natural. Even though I didn't get the chance to finish yet, I am very happy with the progress so far.